Before starting to delve into this issue, highlight that the term makerspace is translated as the creation of creative spaces, equipped with technology and tools for the creation of individual ideas or projects or as a team.

    In today's world, sociopolitical, environmental and digital systems are changing so rapidly that students must become knowledge builders and "builders" of real and relevant solutions at a rapid pace. School education is the most important educational period when students create learning mechanisms, build knowledge and develop basic skills and acquisition methods. Creator experiences could help students develop strategic problem-solving skills. Critical thinking and solving relevant problems remain the focus of attention.

    The related professions in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) have a growing demand, but instead, students do not decide for these professions. It is a great challenge that STEM courses are attractive, so the introduction of educational robotics in all subjects is one more resource for STEM subjects to be more motivating for students.

    The goal is that all students can use these creative spaces, improve their performance, facilitate inclusion and gender considerations. Use pedagogies that favor student-centered learning, exercise creativity, increase student engagement and the frequency of authentic learning, improve critical thinking and provide a constructive learning model. When we realize that technology is popular and that younger generations are fascinated with use, it is important to know how we can integrate technology into the teaching and learning process. This guide aims to model real learning experiences that provide a pedagogy based on the student and taking advantage of the use of technology to improve learning.

    Another important section is to motivate students to STEM careers, paying special attention to gender considerations, so that females are also attracted to these careers. Studies show that students in general have better retention with creative activities, prefer them to traditional methods and are more committed.

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    A creative space is a new design of learning space, a space where robotic and electronic technologies will be learned. Coding and computer thinking are also at the center of the workspace. Students work by project, design, create, solve problems, in short, learn by playing . It is important that students are prepared for the new professions that will be created around robotics, teamwork, empathy and creativity.