Educational robotics aims to encourage students to develop their skills and abilities through the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, which is known by the term STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

    The skills and abilities that students will acquire will be reinforced through teamwork, the ability to learn through mistakes and the research they will have to carry out in order to provide solutions to the problem that will be entrusted to them.

    Throughout the learning process in this platform, the level of difficulty of the challenges will increase, so that a balance is maintained between the ability of students to solve and the difficulty of the activity, thus preventing the student from feeling disinterest because the challenges are too simple or, on the contrary, frustrating because they are too complex.

    Students will also acquire computational knowledge, that is, they will begin to start in the world of computer programming, knowing the first steps of programming and develop it exponentially, since the software that will be used for programming will be based on Scratch, programming using blocks, so it is very simple and intuitive to start programming.

    Therefore, educational robotics has great benefits for students, acquiring skills and attitudes necessary for their personal and professional future, encouraging interest in STEM activities, and as a complement, improve their English, as the activities can also perform in this language.

    And most importantly, it's the best way to learn by playing.