Konu özeti


    The activity consists in the students learn the different temperature scales (celsius, kelvin and fahrenheit).

    The mini fan pack of mBot will also be used to complement the activity.

    Students need to know the different temperature scales, to compare them correctly.


    Knowing the temperature of different elements, such as the temperature of the PC or a cup of coffee, students will implement a self-contained fan that will activate when it detects too high a temperature.

    Temperature Scales:

    • The thermometer measures at different scales depending on the reference value it has for the freezing point and the boiling temperature of the water.

    • CELSIUS SCALE, the melting temperature of the ice is 0°C and the boiling temperature of the water is 100°C.

    • FAHRENHEIT SCALE, fusion takes place at 32°F and boiling at 212°F.

    • KELVIN SCALE starts at the lowest possible temperature and theoretically achievable, called absolute zero or 0°K (-273.15°C or -460°F), to which the particles stop moving.

    When the temperature is higher than the set value, in this case 30 degrees, which will serve for the example of the coffee cup, the fan will activate when the temperature is higher than 30, and when the temperature is lower it will descend.


    This activity consists of automating a process: the heating of an oven besides the cooking of a pizza.

    To achieve this goal, students will have to design everything related to the programming of the temperature sensor (how it works, digital or analogical, adapters...). In addition, they will have to program different sounds and light effects for the activity.


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