Konu özeti


    Different ways of tracking lines. Comparison of scratch and arduino mode.

    First version:

    There are black lines of different thickness on the board. Write a program that allows the robot to run on lines 1.5 cm and 3 cm thick.

    Second version:

    We observed that mBot could work with scratch codes by separating black and white. But, we wanted to see if the codes would work on a regular basis in a layer of black and white blocks.


    1. Students observe what value returns the line sensor when it sees "two white colours”, "two black colours”, "left black, right white” or "left white, right black”.

    2. Students observe the reaction time in the program where the robot goes on the black at the speed of 255 and when it enters the white it stops (firstly in the scratch mode and then in arduino mode)

    3. Students program the robot so that it runs along the black lines.


    1. We will use the white line tracking codes when controlling the mBot.

    2. We will use black line tracking codes when controlling mBot.

    3. The number of squares is determined on floor.

    4. Black and white blocks are cut from the cartons by the number determined by the same measure.

    5. The blocks are pasted to the black or white floor.

    Kaynaklar: 3