Konu özeti


    The students’ task is to write the programe – the robot is to move along the line. The engine speed is determined by specifying a number between 0 and 255. The main aim of the task is to calculate the robot speed and express it in unit m/s or cm/s.


    Measure the robot speed in standard units (m/s) at different motor power (0...255).

    Students program the robot to follow the black line. The robot is set at the beginning of the black line. The robot is started when the button is pressed and released. It is also the countdown time. Once you reach the goal, that is, when the robot invades the white, the robot should stop and display the passage time on the display.


    Evaluate the associated error bar on the measurements.

    The measurement is repeated ten times on each track, in order to improve the statistics. Data are recorded in tables similar to the following.


    Kaynaklar: 2