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The idea is to create an "mBot pet" which will provide a response to different human reactions and then collect information about them.
Students will code an mBot-Pet in order to use it as a data collection system. By testing different sensors, they will study the most common reactions a human being has towards a pet (such as to play with it, caress it, talk nicely or yell). The mBot-Pet will have a specific response to any of these human reactions.
When the robot has a certain number of reactions stored, the program will stop and the data collected will be showed on the screen. This information will be the starting point for creating a statistics study in which students will be able to put in practise some math’s concepts (barcode elaboration, mean, median, mode, ratio, proportions…).
In the second version of this activity, consits of interact with a mBot disguised as a baby.
This second version consists mainly of two sections.
- In the first part, a code has been developed in which the user can personalize the emotions of the baby, since through the remote control or through the Me 4 Button Actuator, by pressing a button the baby will show an emotion, and by touching another button, the baby will change the expression again. In this way, for example, small theaters can be made to call attention to the smallest people.
- The second section is that the baby will recognize 3 states, when someone or something approaches (ultrasonic sensor), if there is too much light (light sensor) and there is too much sound (sound sensor). When the baby recognizes this action, it will emit both an acoustic and luminous signal.
The mBot-Pet stays still and waits for a human to appear. Once it detects the human, it goes running towards him/her in order to interact with this person. From this point on, the program depends on the human behaviour:
- If the human touches the mBot-Pet, it shows its love with harts, happy sounds and intermittent pink lights and "Caress” variable adds a point.
- If the human plays with the mBot-Pet, it plays back and "Playing” variable adds a point.
- If the human talks to the mBot-Pet normally, it communicates back by showing a heart and "Nice words” variable adds a point.
- If the human talks to the mBot-Pet loudly, it communicates back by showing an unexpected and surprise message and "Bad words” variable adds a point.
The robot will interact with the human until it has a specific number of responses and then the program will end by showing the data collected. There has been settled a number of 10 responses, but this value can be modified.
The baby will recognize 3 states, when someone or something approaches (ultrasonic sensor), if there is too much light (light sensor) and there is too much sound (sound sensor). When the baby recognizes this action, it will emit both an acoustic and luminous signal.
The objective is to convert mBot into a real baby, which will adapt to any circumstance, as we will see in the program code.
In case of any anomaly, the mBot will emit an alarm and will show in the LEDs Matrix the cause for which it was issued. Once activated, the alarm can be desactivated by pressing the button that is integrated in the board.
To achieve the objective, we will use ultrasonic sensor,the light sensor and the sound sensor.
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